How to Submit / Check On a Maintenance Request in Our Property Management System

Submit a Maintenance Request in Our Property Management System

Submit maintenance requests directly to your property manager along with photos of the issue. Please note, if you do not see this tab, contact your property manager as this feature may not be enabled for their account.

  1. From the Home or Maintenance tab, click Request Maintenance.
  2. Enter a detailed description of the issue, upload one or more photos of the item needing attention (must select multiple photos at once from computer or camera roll), give the property manager permission to enter with their key, then click Submit Request.
  3. If you would like a copy of this request for your records, please contact your property manager.

How to Check on a Maintenance Request in Our Property Management System

Check the progress of your request in the Maintenance tab. The status will update from received to schedule, to complete.

There is no limit to how many maintenance requests you can submit or see in your Online Portal. If you feel there are some missing, please contact your property manager as it’s related to something they’ve done on their end.